When you notice an area of irritation on your skin, there are a couple different approaches that you can take. If you're concerned about the acute nature of the irritation, you should call a dermatologist, such as at Sunflower Dermatology & Medical Day Spa, to schedule an appointment right away. However, if the irritation seems only minor, it can be worthwhile to make some simple changes and see if the issue goes away. If it does, you'll be able to change your behavior accordingly moving forward; if not, you can still see your local dermatologist. Here are some things to do that might make the area of irritation go away.
Change Your Diet
Dietary allergies and intolerances can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including skin irritation. If you haven't been diagnosed as having allergies or food intolerances, it can still be useful to eliminate some common allergens from your diet and note how your body responds. Ideally, you'll see that the skin irritation has gone away. A common symptom of a dairy allergy, for example, is a skin rash. Try eliminating all sources of dairy from your diet and note the condition of your skin irritation. You can also take the same approach with other common food allergens, such as gluten and sugar.
Change Your Skin-Care Products
In many cases, the products that you use on your skin can lead to skin irritations. Obviously, you'll want to evaluate the area of the irritation; if you have a rash on your forearm and you don't use any product on the skin in this area, your skin-care products might not be the problem. However, if you're getting a rash around your neck, try avoiding your face cream or perfume; if your armpits are red and irritated, try going without deodorant for a day or two or buying a hypoallergenic deodorant from the local health store.
Reduce Your Stress
In many cases, people will experience skin issues as a result of high periods of stress. Try to evaluate whether you feel that you're more stressed than usual. If so, your skin problem could be a symptom of this emotional condition. If you can identify a specific cause of your stress, work to change or eliminate it. If your stress is more generalized, things such as exercise, meditation, and time with close friends or family members can often help to reduce your stress. If you've tried these things and your skin irritation is still present, it's time to see your dermatologist.